Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lynchburg Senior

So you have probably seen this Lynchburg College senior in my blog before.

SHAWN is graduating next month!
I went to visit her and take her senior pictures!

I think we might have had too much fun playing..

But we got good pictures too
I am not allowed to show my favorite since it is probably going in her announcements..
This is one of my favorites though.

Can't wait to come back and see you graduate!!! 


This is Lauren! 

Her birthday was April 6th. 
So for her birthday present from me we had a photoshoot,
because she is finally 21!!

It had rained all day and I told her the sun would be out at 4pm...
and it was :)

But, we still had puddles to play in!

Have fun being 21! 
love you bunches!